Owning mineral resources requires responsibility to manage them effectively now and for the future. Global Minerals Engineering provides the following services to mineral real estate and mineral resource owners.

First Segment
  • Marketing mineral real estate and mineral resources including participation in key conferences in North American and abroad where mineral developers are present and can be approached regarding their future resources needs
  • Mineral lease and mineral resource sale, negotiation, and document development
  • Mineral lease management activities, including minimum royalty payment verification
Second Segment
  • Monitor and collect data from exploration and mining activity, including exploration drilling, ore production and testing ore weighing devices, and analyze this data
  • Certify ore extraction volumes (tonnage) and shipments
  • Verify production royalty payments
Third Segment
  • Develop real estate and mineral resource databases, resource estimates and maps (ArcGIS)
  • Evaluation of mineral potential
  • Delineation and estimation of mineral resources, with associated metal grades
  • Valuation of mineral real estate and mineral resources